According to 90% of buyers, product photo quality is one of the most important factors that determine their purchase. This leaves no doubt that you must opt for high-quality product photography for your e-commerce website. It can help you achieve all your business goals in no time.
Product photography is important because:
- It tells customers what they expect to receive
- It inspires trust in customers
- It helps increase conversions
- A high-quality picture means a high-quality product
- Reinforces branding
- And much more
That is why it is crucial to get the product photos right.
So, if you want to know about the importance of product photography, here is your complete guide.
The Importance Of Product Photography For An e-commerce Website
Here is everything you must know about the importance of product photography for your e-commerce website:
1. Conveys Expectations
The product photo is the first thing your customers look at when they are searching for a certain product. These pictures capture their attention, and they want to ensure that the photo matches their expected color, size, style, etc. Such factors can make or break the decision of the buyer to purchase the product.

That is why you must convey accurate expectations of the product with the pictures. When your customers see the photos, they will know exactly what they are getting and they will be much more confident to make the purchase. After all, first impressions are the last on an e-commerce website so they can help you make a good one.
2. Inspires Trust In Customers
Imagine this: you visit an e-commerce website to purchase something. You click on the product image only to find that the picture is grainy, small, and doesn’t indicate the product properly. How will such an image make you feel about the brand?
Of course, it won’t make you feel good, which is why your product photos must also be clear and high-quality. When you have such product photos, customers will trust you more. That is because they will know that you are not trying to hide your product in any way from the customers.
3. Helps Increase Conversions
In the long run, high-quality product photos(Click to learn) can help increase conversions. That is especially true if you use a unique and attractive copy for your buyers. When customers are close to making a purchasing decision, they want as much information about the product as possible.
Because of this, you must complement the product photos with the right copy to ensure you are converting leads into customers. Besides that, an attractive copy will also increase your chances of being found in the search. All of this will enhance the customer experience, which means more sales and ROI for you.
4. High-Quality Product
If your pictures are high-quality, it will help the customers understand that your products are also high-quality. That is because even if your product meets the requirements of the customer, you must still do your part to convince them and guarantee that they add the items to their cart. After all, your customers want to see that you are better than the competition.
Pictures convey everything, which is why you must take high-quality product photos. It will help customers determine the quality of your product, and they will make a purchase. So, we recommend that you invest in a proper shoot, which will enhance your returns in the long run.
5. Reinforces Branding
As an e-commerce website, you must invest in branding to guarantee that your customers remember who you are. If you take professional and consistent product photos, it will support your e-commerce branding. That is because you must get the product pictures with consistent backgrounds, lighting, brand colors, and much more to ensure cohesiveness.
You can take product photos to show the personality of your company to the customers. For example, if you sell products to young people, you can do a quirky photoshoot, which will help you show the fun side of your brand. After all, your customers also want to know that you are more than just a brand for them to make a purchase.
(Click to learn how the lifestyle photo can help Reinforces Branding)
6. Promotes Sharing
The product photos you utilize on your website can also work for your social media pages. That is because quality product photos can help your Instagram promotion, as they are highly visual and aesthetic. Of course, you can also post them on other platforms, such as Facebook and more.

When you post the product photos on your social media pages, you are making them available to your followers for sharing. Doing this can help turn your followers into promoters. Because of this, your product photos will reach new people as new potential customers may see the photos because of the shares.
On the other hand, we also recommend that you offer social media sharing buttons on your website. It will allow anyone to share the product images on their social media platforms. Of course, this will enhance your visibility and help you reach your target audience in no time.
7. Compensating For The In-Person Experience
When customers walk into a store, they go through a complete sensory experience. That is because all their senses are engaged as they are looking at the products, touching them, smelling them, and more. Of course, you can’t possibly give such an experience online but you can come as close as possible to it.
High-quality product photography can compensate for an in-person shopping experience if you do it right. You must also support it with as much information about the product as possible. Once you take all these steps, you will compensate for the lack of an in-person shopping experience.
You will help customers know what they are buying without them even picking up the product. That is the power of great product photography, and you must use it to your advantage. In the long run, this will help you save time and money while giving your customers the best purchasing experience.
8. Stay Ahead Of Your Competitors
If you want to stay ahead of the competition, one way you can do it is through unique product photos. This is your chance to get as creative as possible and think out of the box. Customers love to look at something new because most e-commerce stores offer the same thing.
Use different elements such as angles, props, lighting, backgrounds, and other things to make your shoot as appealing as possible. Once you make use of this, you will be ahead of all the noise. Customers will also be captured by the uniqueness and make a purchase.
Top Marketing Tips To Enhance Your Product Photography
Now that you understand the importance of product photography for your e-commerce website, you might be wondering how to do it right. Here are the top marketing tips that will help take your product photography to another level:
1. Stay Minimal
When it comes to product photography, minimalism is the key. That is because your product should be your top priority and it must be in focus. If you put too many visual elements inside the photo, it will distract the potential customer.
We recommend that you keep a solid background, brighten it to remove shadows, and don’t edit the pictures too much. That is because you want your pictures to resemble the product as closely as possible. More than 20% of online product returns are due to the items looking different than in the pictures.
If you want to minimize returns, you must offer accurate product pictures. Minimizing visual elements will keep the product images simple and retain the attention of shoppers.
2. Enhance It With Copy And Product Descriptions
One of the best ways you can supply information about the product in the picture is through interesting marketing copy. The key is to keep the copy concise whole convey all the information. Customers don’t like reading long copies because it is a tedious task, and their attention spans are short online.

Of course, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. That is why you must let the pictures speak for themselves and provide a concise yet clear copy. When you do this, your customers will receive an extensive overview of the product without feeling bored or tired.
(Click to learn how infographics make pictures speak)
Such a marketing strategy is crucial if you want to enhance your sales in the long run. So, don’t forget to leverage the power of a fantastic copy when uploading high-quality pictures on your e-commerce website.
3. Stay Consistent
When it comes to product photos, you must remain consistent throughout your e-commerce website. Consistency is the key as it will help build trust and your customers will know what to expect. We recommend that you photograph each product in the same conditions and way for the best results.
When all the product photos closely resemble one another, a customer can easily go through your pages and pick the product they are looking for. Besides that, your branding elements must also remain consistent throughout your product images.
You must use the same branding tactics, colors, and more. We recommend that you plan what each photo must look like in detail. Once you do, it will allow you to maintain consistency throughout the shoot.
4. Don’t Be Afraid To Get Creative
While there are some basic rules you have to follow, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get creative during product photography. There are endless brands online and customers are always looking for something unique. That is why you must think out of the box and create product photographs that speak to your customer.

You can experiment with endless elements, such as colors, lighting, backgrounds, props, angles, and much more. All of these elements will help you create a unique experience that your customers will love. You can also take inspiration from your competitors to see what is working for them.
It will help you understand what works for your industry so that you can be one step closer to creating the best product photographs. Once you do, your customers will remember your unique selling points and be more confident in making a purchase.
5. Hire A Professional Service
When you are doing product photography, you must hire experts to photograph products. These experts will have the right knowledge and skills to help you achieve exactly what you want without compromising on quality. They will also recommend what will work best, as they have experience and knowledge to help you get the best product photos.
Remember that a professional service doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. There are many affordable professional product photography services that will help you achieve your goals without putting a dent in your pocket. The key is to do extensive research and find the best one in your region.
For example, you must check the credentials, experience, references, and skills of the professional service you are looking to hire. All of these elements will help you make the right decision and you will choose the best photography service. Be sure to check the reviews of the service to understand the experience of other people with the service.
Final Words
That was your complete guide to understanding the importance of product photography for an e-commerce website and how you can enhance your photography. Of course, it is a process of trial and error, and it will take some time for you to get the perfect product photos. However, once you get the hang of it, your pictures will look amazing and so will your e-commerce website.
In the end, it all comes down to selecting the right product photographer for your brand. They can make or break your product photos, as their knowledge will help you achieve your vision.
So, do your research, follow our guidelines, and create some of the best product photos in no time. It will give you a high return on your investment for a long time to come.