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How To Hire An Amazon Photographer On A Budget?


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Amazon is the leading E-Commerce there is out all. It offers livelihood to millions of people. So if you have a great product that can easily tap any market, it is a perfect platform to introduce your product.

However, the only major downside of E-Commerce platforms is that the buyer can physically see or check the product. This is when amazing photographs focusing on every single detail helps you display your product in the best way possible.

You can take pictures by yourself, but since Amazon sets many guidelines for product photographs, it would be best to hire an Amazon photographer. It is the best option even if you are on a budget.

Here is a complete guide to help you how to hire an Amazon photographer on a budget. Of course, since Amazon and all the related industries are huge, it would be best to read everything thoroughly before choosing the right photographer.

Factors That Need To Be Considered Before Hiring An Amazon Photographer

Choosing the right Amazon photographer to hire is one big challenging task. It requires you to deal with it carefully as you are on a tight budget. If anything goes wrong, it can affect your budget as well.

It is very detailed task that you have to carry out. If this is your first time hiring an Amazon photographer for your listing then there is a lot you need to know about. You have to go through a lot.

Make sure to get the best team ready to carry this task with you. Having the best, detailed Amazon photographs for your listing is the main goal.

There are countless professional Amazon photographers. However, some factors must be considered before choosing the right Amazon Photographer.

1. Creating a Budget

Before even starting shortlisting the photographers you are considering, this is the most important thing you need. Then, when you have the budget, you will know the limit you can spend on this task.

There are photographers of every fee range all around the world. Therefore, when you have a budget, you would know who would suit you best.

However, determining a budget is not easy, and it requires looking at many things to create an accurate budget. Therefore, it requires an entire section to discuss it.

Below we have discussed how to determine the budget as it is a very lengthy process. Determining the budget is the main task before the actual photography session. Make sure to keep every single factor of cost in mind when determining the budget to hire the Amazon photographer.

2. Portfolio of The Amazon Photographer

Portfolio of The Amazon Photographer

When you have many potential Amazon photographers on your list, it would be best to have their portfolios in your hand. That will help you look in detail at the work of every single photographer. Of course, if some had done work for a huge brand previously, that would be a plus.

Specialized and professional photographers are also a plus one. Here are some things you should specifically look for in their portfolios.

  • Experience in product photography
  • Campaigns or projects they have worked in
  • Various product photos and how they have shown the product
  • The place of education and training they got in product photography
  • Major clients, they have been in business with

You need to look at the photographs they have taken to see if that is how you want photographs as well. Looking at the portfolio will help you to a great extent and understand the work of every photographer.

3. List Down Your Expectations

This will help you navigate easily. Knowing what type of photographs you want will help you understand the things to look at. One can be very confused about what they want from the photographs.

And this is the chance to clear all the confusion so you can navigate clearly.

4. Specialized Product Photographer

If your product belongs to a category and you think it would require a special photographer, then this is something you should look for. However, many specialized Amazon photographers only work with specific products.

Product Photographer

They have great knowledge about that product, making it easier for everyone. However, the specialized photographers may charge a higher amount, but that would depend on your budget and whether you can afford them or not.

Keep in mind that budget will always be the one factor that you have to consider in every single step when hiring an Amazon photographer. Even mailing and shipping product samples to the photographer is part of your budget.

5. Amazon Experience

Every Amazon photographer will have experience, but the time they have been in this game matters a lot. With experience comes knowledge, and an experienced photographer is always well-updated with Amazon’s new photographs guidelines and rules.

No seller would want their listing photographs to get a strike as it would ruin the entire purpose of you hiring an Amazon photographer. Some product photographers have worked with brands, but if they have worked on Amazon, that is something to look at closely.

6. Contact The Photographer

Before hiring and deciding, it would be best to contact the Amazon photographer and have a general conversation. However, you should talk in a way that will help you get insights about the photographer.

That is very important to understand that you and the photographer can always be on the same page. They have to deliver the work in the exact way you expected it. Any mistakes can lead to revisions, which would just delay the process and make it difficult for you to meet the deadlines.

7. Get the Fee Structure of Every Photographer and Plans They Offer

Without this information, you won’t be able to move forward in your decision. Knowing the services each Amazon photographer offers and the fee they charge you for it is vital.

Some Amazon photographers may have a complicated fee structure depending on your requirements. So it is always something you should consider from the Amazon photographer you want to deal with.

In addition, this is one of those things that will help you see if the photographer will fit your budget or not. If not, you must cancel him off your list and move on to the next photographer.

How To Determine The Budget?

The budget is one thing that keeps a campaign within its limits. No company would want to spend a hefty amount on any campaign without determining a budget.

When a budget is created, it is made sure that such things can be done or not if the company can afford it and has room for such expense; that is only when anything is carried out.

When and how to determine the budget when hiring an Amazon photographer, there are many things one needs to keep in mind.

1. Confirm The Shooting Product

When a company has multiple products in its portfolio, it must confirm the product that needs shooting. Every product is different; therefore, the product itself can affect the price of photography.

The size, weight, and material that may need special lighting can play their part in determining the budget. Once you know the product, you can send it out to the photographer, and they will tell you the fees for a photography session.

For example, if the product is heavy, it would be very difficult for the photographer to handle and place it. To handle heavy products, extra labor may be required to be added to the budget.

However, that is not the only thing that is needed to be considered for the budget. Many other factors can somehow affect the cost of hiring an Amazon photographer.

2. The Shooting Style You Want

Many shooting styles, angles, and other technicalities can be offered to you at different prices. So, naturally, the better and more professional you want the photographs, the higher the price will be charged for them.

Some products also require some props to enhance the product’s definition and help connect with the target audience. Product photography plays a very psychological game with the mind of a customer. Therefore, it is a game that every business wants to win.

That is why you need to do it in the best way possible.

3. Preparing The Product Costs

Before the actual photography session, there are many things you need to do to make sure your products look perfect. Many things can be done to ensure a great look for your product.

For example, clothing or food products cannot be displayed in their packaging. So that is why they need to be prepared and displayed in the best manner for the photographer to start with his work.

4. Hourly Photography Wages

Other than the basic fees, the photographer will charge you an hourly wage based on the project’s hours. Some photographers charge $5 per hour, more or less depending on their skills and expertise.

It is best to know the hourly wage of Amazon photographers and get an estimate of the time they will spend on your project. That may not be accurate, but it will give you a good idea of the cost.

That will help you determine the budget in the best way. There should be every possible cost included in your budget. Even if the cost is not incurred, it will save your resources.

5. Are Models Required?

Some products require human presence to give them more definition and make it easier for the viewers to understand them. Not all, but some products do require human presence, and for that, you would need to hire models.

It makes it easier for you to show the target audience how the product can make their life easier. You would know that hiring models can be a bit costly. In addition, the type of work required also affects the costs.

Therefore, it would be best to map out how you want to display your product. For example, do you need any model or human presence?

If yes, not only will it add to the costs, but it will also be a lengthy process to choose the right model.

6. Photography Studio Charges

If you have the photographer called at the venue you seemed perfect for photography, then the rent of the studio is surely going to fall onto you. Some studios will charge you a hefty amount for a good place for your product photography. However, it is best to stay away from such studios.

They will be a burden on a budget and not something you should spend much on. There might be many affordable studios near you. So research before heading out to confirm the studio.

You can even avoid going to a studio if you have an open space in your office or warehouse where everything can be set up for the photography. However, it would be best to consult the photographer before confirming the space.

7. Is The Photographer In A Different Country?

Yes, this question may be essential when you are out there determining the budget for your Amazon photography. If the photographer is in a different country, then are many charges that will have to occur for successful photography.

For example, shipping and mailing are some charges that will occur without any doubt. Sending the photographer your product can sometimes be expensive. However, it all depends on the size and weight of your product.

But there is no doubt about the fact that these expenses will occur. So this is something you must consider when determining the budget.

8. Time For Delivery

An Amazon photographer will deliver his work at the regular time that he may have notified you before the campaign started. However, if you have asked the photographer to deliver them as soon as possible for any reason, he will definitely charge extra.

Therefore, it is all a matter of time and the deadlines you must meet. Naturally, it would be best to have enough time for the deadline to arrive after the photographer has submitted his work.

By this, you will have to revise and check if everything is in order before submission. In addition, some errors or touchups in the photographs can add to extra expense, which is the last thing you want for your budget.

How To Do It Cheaper?

shoes photo

Every company or individual wants the best work at the lowest cost possible. Many use different strategies to reduce the cost and keep them at the minimum level.

The same you can do when hiring an Amazon photographer. There are a few things that will help you reduce costs. They may increase the burden, but the cost will surely not be on.

This will help you hire a photographer on a budget and get the best work possible. Here are some ways through which you can do it cheaper.

1. Look For Countries With Cheaper Hourly Wages

Yes, outsourcing the photography to someone in a different country was always an option for you. In every country, you will find Amazon photographer giving their best to be known for their work. You can find such talent through the internet or by reference.

This would need good research and time for you to find the right Amazon photographer. However, many countries offer cheap photographer hourly wages and have the best photographer knowledge with everything.

Here are a few countries where you can look for Amazon photographers.

  • China
  • Japan
  • Thailand

These are just the three top countries where you can find the best and most affordable Amazon photographers. However, that doesn’t mean that the best ones are only available in these countries.

If you research and take your time, you may find cheaper Amazon photographers in some other countries. The reason to state this point is that we also look for Amazon photographers internationally.

This will broaden your network and open your path to thousands of possibilities that you can look at.

2. Make Sure That You and The Photographer Are On The Same Page

Before starting the photography session and all the work, it is important to communicate properly with the photographer. Make sure to have a detailed meeting to express your idea and how you want the photographs.

When the photographer is aware of your expectations, he will know how to work to provide the expected results. In other words, communication is the key.

When you are sure that the photographer is on the same page as you, it will make things very easier for both sides. However, some things can occur if the photographer doesn’t deliver the work as expected.

If you notice any error or mistake, you can ask the photographer for a touchup or sometimes take them again. This can not only affect your deadline but will also impact the costs.

Re-editing and setting up everything will mean starting everything from scratch. Therefore, even when the photography session is being carried out, look at the images so you can have an idea.

Yes, post-production editing does have a good impact on the photographs. However, modification and number of revisions will not help the budget.

Therefore, when you do a good job of communication before the project starts, it will help you in many ways. For example, getting the photographs in one take will help you control costs and maintain your budget.

3. Reach Out To Affordable Equipment Suppliers

If the photographer has asked you to have some equipment ready for the photography, it doesn’t mean you have to buy it. For example, buying props, mannequins, or other equipment is never the right option.

Many suppliers give this equipment for rental at very affordable rates. You can always reach out to them and get the best deal possible. This will save you a lot of costs.

If you ask the photographer to get the equipment, they may charge you extra and the transportation charges of such equipment. You don’t have the bargaining power and have to pay what is demanded there.

It is your project, and you have to know every single cost that will occur so you can remain within your budget. Saving costs in your budget is a very good utilization of resources. However, going over the budget means you didn’t plan it properly.

4. Try New Amazon Photography Startups

Amazon photography is such a huge market that new agencies are opening up every day and trying their luck to get the most clients. In such new agencies is hidden some talent that may not have been discovered yet. All these businesses require is a chance to show the world their skills.

What if you give them a chance and they offer you an affordable rate? That can sometimes do wonders for you and your budget.

New businesses can bring new expertise and knowledge to the industry. That way, it will give your business to work with some young people. Many pieces of research have even proved that young people have a creativity level.

New Amazon photography startups may do the revisions and reshoots without additional charges. As the new businesses have their reputation at stake, they will provide to get the task done efficiently, without any mistakes.

Do try new Amazon photographers and motivate such businesses.

5. Get References

If you want to work with an experienced Amazon photographer and want to keep the costs low, references might help you. They may not entirely help you, but you can try.

Make sure to have connected references to help you in every stage of work with the photographer. Discounts will help you lower the costs but ensure the quality of work is not affected.

Final Words

Here is a complete guide to help you how to hire an Amazon photographer. Make sure to understand this guide thoroughly, as every point will help you the best way.

It is a time and cost-sensitive project that you must be very careful about. Have your best team ready to carry out this task as it requires a lot from you.

Joey Lou
Joey Lou
Hi, I'm the author of this post and I've been in the e-commerce marketplace since 2012, so I understands the visual presentation needed to attract buyers. If you want to take product photos or videos, please feel free to ask me any questions.
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