Product Photography Studio in China

Professional product photography studio, 24/7 service, 3 days to complete the work.

3460+ Satisfied Clients

Why Choose Us

Save Your Time

We can receive the product in 2 days and get the job done in 3 days.

Affordable Price For You

The cost is only 30% of the US photo studio, allowing you to test products freely

Best Strategy

Top-notch designers to make your product photos stand out from the competition

Professional product photography

Service Global

We specialize in taking stunning product photos for your online store, website, Amazon store, social media.
Wherever you are, just send your products to our China shoot location and we will do all the work.
Click the button now and we’ll walk you through how to get started.

Product Shipping

Easy access to high quality product photos

Whether you are a seller just starting to sell online, a growing brand, or a successful online brand, we can provide you with the products and services you need. Get photos and boost sales now.

Test Product Market

Suitable for new sellers who are just ready to start selling products online
$ 99 Start Package
  • 3 white background photos
  • 4 infographic photos
  • Quick Ordering Process
  • No Price Minimum

Outperforming the competition

Ideal for small business owners or sellers with a certain budget to get better quality images than their competitors
$ 199 Growth Package
  • 2 white background photos
  • 3 infographic photos
  • 2 lifestyle photos
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Quick completion

Brand building

Suitable for large enterprises or sellers with stable benefits to enhance brand influence through uniform style
Quotation specifically offered
  • Very competitive price
  • Real professional models
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Priority shooting

what can we do

Social Media Product photography

Social Media Product photography

Amazon Product Photography

Amazon Product Photography

Shopify product photography

Shopify product photography

E-Commerce Product Photography

E-Commerce Product Photography

Social Media Product photography

Amazon Product Photography

Shopify product photography

E-Commerce Product Photography





shoes photo
shoes photo
About Joey

10 years of e-commerce marketing experience

E-commerce platform image optimization

E-commerce platforms such as Amazon,Shopify,Social media are applicable

competitor analysis

Analyze your competitors' strengths and beat them

Increase product sales

Professional picture optimization can make your sales increase rapidly

Our Services

We Provide The Best Service For You

Quick response

Quick response

24/7 service help you quickly formulate a photography plan

Competitor Survey

Competitor Survey

Investigate your competitors and beat them photogenic

Free product testing

Free product testing

Help you detect product quality, so that you can quickly choose the right product

Product Video Photography

Product Video Photography

Give your customers an immersive shopping experience

More people will share your product

More people will share your product

Good pictures will get more likes and shares, thus increasing your sales


Let's get in touch


Our Contact

Email Address

Social Media

Fast Booking

We will contact you within 12 hours, please check your email. Only call if we are unable to reach you.

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